Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recommended Reads

While you wait for my Harper Collins editor's review, here are two terrific reads by friends of mine.

Michelle Hoover's The Quickening is a lyrically written and haunting story of life in the rural midwest during the depression. The New Yorker said, "In Hoover's debut, the quiet struggle between two Midwestern farm women has the stark simplicity of a Biblical parable....The book's lament for a lost way of life—one in which people 'looked in hope to the ground and the roots growing there more often than we looked for grace from the sky'—has a mournful beauty."

You can purchase The Quickening on Amazon.

Another friend, Amy Axelrod, has written a funny and poignant story of an unusual childhood, in which the heroine takes solace from a family in turmoil by writing letters featuring her very own fashion designs to first lady Jackie Kennedy. Though aimed primarily at a young adult audience, baby boomer women will be as captivated as I was by Your Friend in Fashion, Abby Shapiro.
Happy reading.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I won!!!!

Animal Cracker made it to the Editor's Desk on Harper Collins's Authonomy site. Number three no less! This means that some time within the next two months a real live Harper Collins editor will review the book and consider it for publication.

To be sure, publication's a long shot. Still, it's pretty gratifying to have been selected out of thousands of books.

Watch this space.